Emotional detox & parenting in a new place
with Isabel Villena - Accredited EFT Tapping Therapist BOOK A SESSIONEFT Tapping | Emotional support
Discover the transformative power of EFT Tapping for emotional well-being
A simple and effective tool to improve emotional balance and resilience.
Cambridge (UK) and ONLINE consultations
Hello! My name is Isabel Villena, accredited EFT Tapping Therapist (EFTi).
EFT Tapping is a simple and effective therapy that helps the mind and body. It integrates the elements of western talk therapy and eastern energy medicine and combines a gentle touch on acupuncture points together with mindful and vocal attention to thoughts and feelings.
It can help you to build resilience allowing you to naturally feel calmer and think with clarity of mind.
Helping people to choose healthy habits and tap into the best version of themselves. Building Resilience facing change and toxic family dynamics.
Yes, I love the simplicity of tapping. Getting into my body sensations, I felt so much calmer, settled in my body, and breathing with more ease. I also love Optimal EFT session and the subtle but powerful changes in myself. Stress Reduction EFT therapy helps to understand myself and others with compassion, to reset, to be aware and feel free.
After the session, I felt stronger and renewed. Isabel knows how to get optimal results in a calm manner in order to cultivate the aspiration to happiness. Her guidance is clear, generous, compassionate, and warm-hearted. She pays attention to check to real ‘letting go’ of those unwanted feelings or thoughts and a new positive mantra just surged in myself.
A blessing that Isabel offers with ductility is the wish to practise EFT beyond the session. She is respectful with the freedom and timings for the best benefit of the session.
My tapping session helped me a lot to improve the quality of my family bondings and relationship with my brothers, to manage the conflict better, accept and love exactly where I am at, creating space and letting go of my own limitations.
Thank you so much for the group just now. It was really beautiful and honouring of how things were in the group, in relation to caring, support and loving elderly parents and oneself. Such a lovely gift you’re giving. I hope to be able to join next month. With warmth & gratitude.